10 Storage Tips to Keep Your Produce Fresh for Longer

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Often recipes call for a small amount of certain ingredients and you’re left with the rest that eventually spoil and go to waste before you have time to use them all up.

Here are 10 of our top storage tips to help you keep your fruits and vegetables fresh for longer:

  1. Potatoes: these should be stored in a cool, dry, dark and well-ventilated place to prevent moisture and spoilage
  2. Onions: these should also be stored in a cool, dry, dark, and well-ventilated place. However, don’t store your onions with other produce since they emit ethylene gas, which will cause your other produce to ripen and potentially spoil faster.
  3. Fresh herbs: parsley, basil, and cilantro should be stored in a jar or glass of fresh water. Trim the bottom of your herb stems and place them in a jar of water, then cover the leaves with a plastic baggie on top. Remember to replace the water every few days if it begins to discolor.
  4. Berries: wash and fully dry your berries before storing them in a paper towel-lined container in your fridge (make sure there are holes in the container for ventilation). We recommend you wash your berries in a diluted vinegar solution (1 cup vinegar, 3 cups water) to remove any mold spores and bacteria, which often cause berries to spoil quicker.
  5. Bananas: store your bananas in a bowl or a fruit bowl with a special hook for hanging bananas to prevent bruising. Once your bananas ripen at room temperature, move them to your fridge. Also, try not to store bananas next to other fruit as they tend to accelerate ripening.
  6. Avocados: unripe avocados can sit on your counter at room temperature and once they ripen, move them to your fridge
  7. Mangoes: similarly, unripe mangoes can also sit on your counter at room temperature and once they ripen, move them to your fridge
  8. Citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are best kept stored in your fridge and will last for a couple of weeks
  9. Broccoli: these require air circulation, so be sure to remove them from the plastic bags it usually comes in. Loosely wrap your broccoli in a damp paper towel and place it in your fridge. Broccoli is very sensitive to ethylene, so try to keep it away from produce that emits ethylene gas.
  10. Apples: these should be stored in your fridge, however try to place them away from your other produce, as apples are another fruit that emits ethylene gas.


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