It feels like it’s been winter forever, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to end anytime soon. I don’t care what the groundhog will say, even six more weeks of winter is too much! It’s cold and dark and cold… It’s hard to imaging it ever warming up again and that thought is kind of depressing. We can’t control the weather, but we can control how it makes us feel. Here are some tips we can all use to keep us upbeat until we finally see the sunny days of spring:
1. Think positive:
Don’t let your mood match the weather. Sign up for inspirational quotes, keep a gratitude journal, or repeat positive affirmations several times during the day.
2. Live with color:
It may be dark and dreary outside, but you can create your own world of color, which will brighten things up and make you feel happy. Wearing color, fresh flowers in your home, and bright wall decoration are all good ways to bring color into your life.
3. Cook or bake:
Settle in for the cold weather by cooking or baking something warm and comforting. You won’t feel bad about being stuck at home if it smells like good food.
4. Listen to music:
Upbeat music is a fabulous way to boost your mood.
5. Get things done:
There’s nothing like a sense of accomplishment to make you feel great! Tackle a chore you’ve been pushing off, like cleaning out a closet or catching up on email.
6. Get outside:
Real sunlight and fresh air do wonders for perking up your mood, even if it’s cold. Bundle up and go for a walk, or have fun with winter sports. The exercise will stimulate those feel-good hormones and make you feel good.
7. Buy a lamp:
A lack of sunlight really can make you feel sad, and light therapy can help.
8. Smell citrus:
The smell of citrus boosts your mood hormones. Might as well eat the fruit, too, since it’s full of vitamin C- essential for a healthy immune system.
9. Embrace it:
There are lots of things we can only do in the winter, so get in on those while you can. Have fun ice skating or having a snowball fight.
10. Give in:
Sometimes you just have to accept how you’re feeling, so go ahead and take a nap, snuggle on the couch, or binge watch a few seasons of something good. Go all in and enjoy some hot chocolate while you’re at it.
How do you stay upbeat in the winter? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!