Mother’s Day is a very special occasion: a well-deserved day that’s dedicated to our moms. There are so many reasons our mothers deserve our appreciation that one day is hardly enough. Here are some reasons to be grateful for Mom every day:
- For giving us life. Pregnancy and childbirth are no walk in the park!
- Unconditional love. Who else loves you even when you screw up?
- Sleepless nights. Sorry about that!
- Finding things. Moms have special powers for finding hopelessly lost objects.
- Feeding us. Thanks for keeping us healthy and cooking such delicious food!
- Great advice.
- Being a great role model.
- Being a great teacher. Some of life’s greatest lessons are not learned in school, but at home, by Mom.
- Being a fan. Your mother thinks you’re the greatest.
- Comfort. When you were little there was nothing like being soothed by a hug from your mom.
- Being a friend.
- Making sacrifices. Being a parent means sacrificing big time!
- Patience. Okay…Most of the time!
- Living with us as teenagers. No explanation needed.
- Driving us around. All those hours shuttling us to school, practice, play dates, and everywhere else.
This list could go on forever! Thank you, Mom!
What would you like to thank you mother for this Mother’s Day? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!
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