Every few years I buy a new bottle of rubbing alcohol, which I use here and there until I realize it’s way past its expiration day and throw it out. I don’t let myself feel too bad about being wasteful, since the bottle cost only about a dollar to begin with. But then I started to think about taking that bottle of alcohol- and that dollar- as far as I could, and was amazed at all the genius ways you can use rubbing alcohol, aside from the obvious like cleaning a pair of tweezers and things like that. So keep reading and put your budget-friendly bottle of rubbing alcohol to good use!
1. DIY ice pack:
Since alcohol never really freezes, you’ll get a good semi-squooshy texture. Mix equal parts alcohol and water in a ziploc bag and store in the freezer.
2. Painless band-aid removal:
Don’t pull off your skin with the band-aid! Cover the adhesive part with an alcohol soaked cotton ball for a few seconds to loosen the glue and pull it off more easily.
3. Remove scuff marks:
Get rid of nasty scuff marks on your floor by rubbing with a soft cloth dipped in a little alcohol.
4. Clean grease from the stove:
Spray with some alcohol and wipe!
5. Remove sticky residue:
Get rid of glue from price tags and stickers. Just soak for a few minutes and wipe away.
6. Shine mirrors:
No need to shell out money for glass cleaners. Spray with alcohol and wipe clean.
7. Remove odors from hands:
Onions and garlic make your food taste good, but it’s not a preferred fragrance for your hands. Neutralize odors on your skin with rubbing alcohol. Rub some on your wrist when you’re trying put perfumes.
8. Deodorize shoes:
Spray alcohol into smelly shoes and let dry.
9. Heal cold sores:
Dab some alcohol on cold sores to help them dry out faster.
10. Remove frost from car windows:
Combine one part alcohol with five parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the windshield and wipe with wiper blades.
11. DIY air freshener:
Mix 10-15 drops of essential oils of your choice into one cup of alcohol. Store in a spray bottle and spritz to freshen up a room.
12. Clean a dry erase board:
Wipe with a soft cloth to give your dry erase board a good cleaning.
Do you know other ways to use rubbing alcohol? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!