Follow Your Dream

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The best thing about having a dream is that it’s yours. It comes from inside you, it’s part of who you are, and it belongs to you. It’s yours. Realize that and then you’ll realize how special your dream is and why it’s so important to follow it. Follow your dreams, just be careful that you don’t get stuck in lala-land. Not all dreams can actually come true, but use yours to help you figure out what you can do to make you most happy.


Some people always knew what they wanted. Since you were a kid you loved to play around in the kitchen, trying out recipes and creating your own dishes. Your dream was to open your own restaurant. It’s hard work, but if you focus and pay your dues, you might realize that dream one day. Or maybe you dreamed of owning a castle, so you saved money, maybe worked some extra jobs, made some sacrifices, and one day you bought the perfect house. Okay, it’s not a castle, but who really wants to live in a castle anyway- they’re dark and drafty. You achieved the real-life version of your dream and you should be proud!


Some dreams are really attainable simply by taking action and doing what you need to to make things happen. Others might be a little out there, but that does not in any way mean you should give them up! Follow your dreams and see where that takes you. You will gain a lot along the way even if you never get to be a princess who owns a cupcake shop. Here are some of the benefits to following your dreams:

  • You will learn a lot about yourself.
  • You will learn a lot about life.
  • You might learn new skills that are useful, or that just give you enjoyment.
  • You will be inspired and you will almost surely inspire others.
  • You will exercise your creative muscles.
  • You will learn courage.
  • You will find happiness.

Your dream might not come true exactly the way you pictured it, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Along the way your dream might even change a little and you will discover that the new dream is what you really wanted all along. Keep an open mind and don’t be discouraged by limitations. There is a lot in life that is beyond our control, so accept that and do what you can to shape your own reality. Embrace your dream, and follow it, because it’s yours.

